At Girl Scouts we combine life skills, STEM, the outdoors, and entrepreneurship with civic engagement to deliver crucial, life-changing, girl-led programming.
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
The Troop meets the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:00PM.
To learn more visit Girl Scouts.
Thursday Bible Study
What: United Methodist Men
When: 1st Saturday of the month
Time: 9am
Where: Old Fellowship Hall
Ranging in age from 25 to over 80, it doesn’t matter how old or young you are. We make prayer shawls and lap robes for the sick, home-bound, and those in nursing homes, as well as scarves and hats for people in need in the community at Christmas time. If you are a beginner, any of our experienced crafters can teach you needlework. We meet Monday’s at 1:00pm at the church. Please don’t hesitate to join us and bless someone’s life as well as your own.
Stitches of Caring currently has shawls and lap robes for people in need of comfort and caring. Do you have someone in your family or our church family who needs a hug? Please do not hesitate to contact one of our members with his/her name. We would be happy to help.
The purpose of Scouting America is to provide an educational program for boys and young adults to build desirable qualities of character, citizenship, and personal fitness. The ages for Boy Scouts is 12 – 18.
It is the mission of Scouting America to serve others by helping instill values in young people, and, in other ways, to prepare them to make ethical choices over their lifetime in achieving their full potential.
Elm Grove United Methodist Church is the home for Troop 29. Troop 29 meets every Monday at 6:30pm and would love to have you join them.
To learn more about scouting visit Scouting America.
Thursday Bible Study